In addition to the exhibition, the EMV 2025 will offer an extensive program of 36 workshops developed by a team of 18 experts. Participants can look forward to diverse topics covering the basics of electromagnetic compatibility as well as more specialist content and the latest trends. The hot topic of cybersecurity has also been added to the workshop program for this year’s EMV.
EMV 2025: Keynote speech and workshops on the new cybersecurity rules for wireless products
In October 2024, the European Union passed the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) for products with a digital component to improve Europe’s resilience and security in the digital future. The requirements of the CRA apply in full from December 2027. However, products with wireless interfaces must comply with the new cybersecurity requirements from 1 August 2025.
At the EMV 2025, Luis Miguel Vega Fidalgo from the European Commission will explain the background to the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and the new cybersecurity requirements in his keynote speech The EU Product Cybersecurity Policy – Challenges and Opportunities. There will also be two specialist workshops, one in English language, offering in-depth insights into the new EN 18031 standard and its application within the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).
Workshop 14 Cybersecurity; an Unclassified Introduction to TEMPEST by Frank Lefering from the University of Twente, will also be taking place on day two of the exhibition. This workshop, which will be held in English, provides an introduction to TEMPEST and covers relevant security aspects and protection against spying in modern communication systems.
International focus
Nine of the 36 workshops will be held in English, which makes the event particularly attractive to specialists from around the world. At least one English language workshop will be offered in the morning and afternoon across all three days of the event. The aim is to encourage international discussion and networking among experts.
Workshop 19 Why Are Radiated Emission/Immunity EMC Tests so Tricky? Part 1 Basics, held by Dr. Diethard Hansen from EURO EMC SERVICE (EES) Dr. Hansen Consulting, for example, will offer in-depth insights into the challenges associated with EMC tests and their significance for various business areas. The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in learning more about optimized EMC, radio and automotive certification and test solutions.
Another workshop to be offered in English will be 9 EMC in Electrical Drive Systems by Frank Lefering from Twente University. This workshop will provide valuable insights into the challenges and solutions associated with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in electric drive systems in the automotive industry.
Another workshop taking place on day one of the exhibition will be workshop 37 R&D to Reality – A Practical Guide to Bringing a Wireless-Enabled Product to Market by Steve Hayes, Technical Director of Element Materials Technology. This interactive workshop takes you through the steps of product development and regulatory requirements, from the initial idea to market launch, with a focus on CE marking, FCC certification, and international approvals.
Early bird discounts and bulk prices
Registration for the EMC workshops is now open. Anyone registering by 11 February 2025 will benefit from attractive early bird prices. In addition, participants can also enjoy additional bulk-buy savings when booking multiple workshops.
Program overview and registration
The full workshop program is already available online and provides a detailed overview of the topics covered and speakers. Interested parties can register directly on the event website.
Background information on Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH
Mesago, founded in 1982 and located in Stuttgart, specializes in exhibitions and conferences on various topics of technology. The company belongs to the Messe Frankfurt Group. Mesago operates internationally and is not tied to a specific venue. With around 160 members of staff Mesago organizes events for the benefit of more than 3,300 exhibitors and over 110,000 trade visitors, conference delegates and speakers from all over the world. Numerous trade associations, publishing houses, scientific institutes and universities work with Mesago closely as advisers, co-organizers and partners. (mesago.com)
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
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